Community Update: Babylons Genesis Collection by Ambassador Artists
A collection of 101 unique works devoted to NFTs by 100 global artists…
Babylons team has great news!
This week, we took the weekly reward mechanism live, meaning each NFT buyer and seller in Babylons history before BABI token launch, will be eligible to $BABI airdrops according to their trading volume which will be distributed in the first week after public IDO.
As 43rd NFT is minted on Babylons Genesis Collection (BGC) and weekly reward mechanism went live, we decided to give more utility to the Genesis NFTs and came up with a system that is not seen anywhere else in the NFT space!
From now on, each verified account that buys an NFT from BGC on Babylons will be rewarded by triple BABI tokens from the respective weekly reward pool. Each user is eligible for this bonus on their first purchase of a single BGC NFT.
If one buys 2 different BGC NFTs, s/he will be eligible for the bonus airdrop for both of the purchases. However, if one buys a BGC NFT, sells it and re-buys it, s/he will be only be eligible for the bonus reward for the first purchase.
You can read more about the Genesis Collection and Ambassador Artist Program in our previous blog post here. There is also a detailed explanation of the weekly reward system here.
If you haven’t already, watch our promo video for the first magnificent 37 unique NFTs minted within Genesis Collection.
Stay tuned for some thrilling Ambassador Artist announcements and their unique NFT drops on the Babylons Genesis Collection.
With love
Babylons Team
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